
Sunday, March 4, 2012


A couple of six word quotes to inspire you for tasks ahead this week.
 Read, learn, share and enjoy.

  • "Always start with assuming good intentions".- Teri Edman

  • "Persistence has more value than qualifications". - Mitch Polack

  • Have passion in what you do . 

  • "You manage things, you lead people". - Admiral Grace Hooper

  • "You are not learning if you are comfortable". - Debbie Beet

  • "Do one more thing than requested' - Gary Belsky

  • "Luck is the residue of design". - Branch Rickey

  • "Do what's right, not what's popular".

  • "Screw-ups will happen, just own them".  - Kara Carthel

  • "Cutting corners only create more paperwork" - Dyan Titchnell

  • "Add value - otherwise you are a commodity" - Randall Lane

  • "If you don't know, say so". - B. Saville

  • "Get the hardest part done first" - Cathy Smith

  • "Pretend impossibilities are possible. They are'.  - Sandi Hemmerlein 

  • "Fall fast. Learn fast. Improve fast". - Steven Robbins

  • "Two ears. One mouth. Engage wisely". - Bob Myers

  • "Provide guidance, don't take the credit".- Peter Ashkenaz

  • "Today a reader, tomorrow a leader". W. Fusselman 

Follow on Twitter @Numero_1ne


  1. Awesome! may i ask why I got blocked by you on twitter? Thank you. @blcompere

  2. Thanks.
    I am sorry I couldn't reply earlier.
    About blocking you on Twitter; there was a day you ran a series on #TwitterEtiquette and among others, you tweeted something about not requesting for follow backs. A couple of minutes after you tweeted that, you did exactly what you advised people not to indulge in - asked someone to follow back. I recall that myself and @4eyedmonk challenged you on this and I found your attempts at justification not only hypocritical but your replies were shocking and didn't reflect what I had come to expect from you so I decide to engage the block button. Unfortunately, it didn't cross my mind to unblock you after the incident but I have done that now.

  3. I truly appreciate your response Sir. I also apologise for coming across as hypocritical. You are right on all counts and I take full responsibility. Thanks for unblocking. I have to show more wisdom from now on. Cheers! @blcompere
